how to remove ear wax using microsuction

micro-suction earwax

how to remove ear wax using microsuction

If wax is not causing any problems, it is best left alone. the ear is self-cleaning and the wax should clear naturally, so it is unnecessary to try to remove the wax yourself. If wax is noticed on the outer ear, a wipe with a clean flannel may be all that is needed. microsuction Sometimes, however, wax may build up, particularly if it is very dry or if the person has a narrow or hairy ear canal. Wax may also build up if it has been pushed down the canal by cotton buds, hearing aids, hair clips or other implements. Cotton buds can also irritate the ear canal, stripping it of its natural oils and causing it to feel itchy. When water gets into the ear during swimming or showering this may cause the wax to expand, giving a sensation of ‘blockage’ in the ear and increasing the perception of tinnitus.

A gentle suction device is used to remove earwax under a microscope. it’s quick, safe and painless, and no liquid goes into your ear.

Usually, microsuction does not even require pretreatment of ear drops. A fully qualified audiologist will look into the ear canal through a binaural microscope (either fixed or with glasses) and, using a very fine suction device at low temperature, will safely remove the wax.

Microsuction is a safe, quick and painless method of removing a  build-up of ear wax in the ear canals using a medical suction pump, suction wand and an ear endoscope to enable observation by the practitioner. This sterile vacuum breaks down and removes the ear wax very gently from the canals. This method was traditionally only used in hospitals or ENT clinics; however, it has now become more widely available as a service in private ear clinics. Microsuctioning is considered to be the safest and fastest method of ear wax removal by far.

It is not advised that wax is cleared by the use of cotton buds, as this very often pushes it towards the ear drum and can cause even more problems and it is difficult to remove. You should never poke anything down your ear with the view of relieving the problem yourself; the lining of the ear is very delicate and can easily be damaged. There are home removal kits available, however these need to be used carefully. Hopi ear candles just don’t work, it is a sham. Leave it to one of our registered clinical specialists to remove the wax for you.

There are a range of symptoms which might improve when the ear wax is removed. These include ear ache, hearing loss, tinnitus, itchiness, dizziness and/or ear infections.

Earwax removal by Microsuction

Microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome earwax. It is performed with the aid of an operating microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. ear canal You may be asked to use olive oil spray or drops for several days beforehand. This will make the treatment easier for you. Occasionally we may need to use other instruments to remove hard wax. The technique means that we can always see what we are doing and can avoid touching the skin of the sides of the ear canal which makes the process a lot more comfortable.

Ear microsuction is the most effective and safest form of earwax removal as it avoids touching the sensitive area around the ear canal and evades contact with the ear drum. A low pressure suction probe is used to gently and safely remove earwax. This technique of ear wax removal does not use high pressure water unlike ‘syringing’, therefore allowing microsuction to be the safest, fastest and cleanest method of choice.

Earwax is naturally occurring and serves an important purpose. on occasion earwax can build in the ear canal and can cause hearing loss or discomfort. For many people, microsuction offers a quick and long-lasting solution to hearing loss. Years of excess wax build up can be gently removed - providing an immediate improvement to their quality of life. It helps to protect and clean the inside of the ear by creating a natural protective layer. Other wax removal treatments such as syringing often completely clear the canal of all wax, leaving no protective layer inside the ear. Microsuction is a much more controlled treatment which allows your audiologist to carefully remove excess wax whilst preserving a necessary level of protection.

Ear wax removal by microsuction the procedure

earwax removal

Unlike ear syringing or ear irrigation , where ear wax is flushed out ‘blindly’, with microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal the ear wax is being directly visualised under the microscope whilst it is being removed. This makes the procedure much quicker, safer and comfortable for the patient.

Micro-suction ear wax removal is one of the safest methods of ear cleaning and it is an ideal method of wax removal for people who have had a perforation to their eardrum or who have had any mid-ear surgery. Microsuction uses no water for the ear wax removal and there is no mess and little fuss. 

Wax microsuction is the gold standard ear wax removal technique. It involves the use of an air suction device at low operating pressure to remove wax from the ear, all performed under an operating microscope. It is the safest and quickest means to conveniently remove ear wax and allows full visualisation of the ear canal so that any touching of the sensitive skin layer or fine hairs within the ear canal can, in most instances, be avoided. It is advised that wax softening drops (such as earol) are used by patients a few days prior to attending for wax removal.

We offer a fast, safe and high-quality service to adults and children. Microsuction is a wax removal technique using a precision suction apparatus to suction unwanted or obstructing skin cells and wax from the ear canal. We use surgical lenses which provide binocular magnification so that the tip of the suction tube is always under direct vision.

What is Wax Microsuction?

micro-suction earwax removal

Clinical ear care, otherwise known as wax removal, can be very beneficial to people using hearing aids to increase the usefulness of their aids. We call wax removal clinical ear care as we are able to use a variety of techniques in one session. These techniques may not all be needed and we would try for microsuction ear wax removal first.

We use microsuction as our preferred option as it is cleaner, non invasive and significantly quicker than irrigation, and we find that most people find it more comfortable. Our recommendation if you have wax is to put olive oil ear drops in to your ears 2 to 3 days prior to your appointment as this will aid removal.

Ear wax removal by microsuction is the safest most effective method for the removal of ear wax from ear canals. Due to the nature of the suction, ear wax can be removed from the ear, irrespective of whether it is soft or hard. This differs from other methods such as syringing and water irrigation where wax has to be treated beforehand with drops to encourage a softer consistency.

We use microsuction for wax removal treatment to relieve these symptoms as a non-invasive procedure. Our expert staff will provide you with the level of service you would expect from experienced professionals. A medical grade vacuum pump will be used to gently suck wax out of your ears while the specialist looks into your ear using a microscope.

Microsuction is a wax removal technique using a very fine sterile suction device under a microscope. The gentle suction device is used to provide pain free and immediate results, and whilst using the microscope the audiologist can clearly see inside the ear canal during the procedure making it an entirely controlled treatment.

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